What Are Bond Breakers

What Are Bond Breakers

What Is a Bond Breaker and Why Is It Used?

A bond breaker is a material applied between two surfaces to prevent them from bonding together. It is commonly used in construction to facilitate the separation of concrete elements, such as precast units, and prevent cracking due to temperature and humidity changes.

What Types of Bond Breakers Are Available?

Bond breakers come in various forms, including liquids, sprays, rods, tapes, and innovative systems like Aquaband Bond Breaker. These different types cater to specific construction needs, such as forming joints, reducing cracks, and enhancing formwork efficiency.

How Does a Bond Breaker Work?

A bond breaker creates a physical or chemical barrier between concrete surfaces. For example, liquid bond breakers form a film on the surface, preventing adhesion, while rod-type breakers create gaps between surfaces to allow for movement.

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