How Are Bridges Built | How Are Bridges Constructed | Factors Associated with Building Bridges

How Are Bridges Built?

How Are Bridges Built?

As human beings started to expand across lands and territories, we had a structure to overcome natural obstacles and barriers.

Engineers exploited their tools to create bridges, answering the question of how are bridges made, linking us between towns and changing the whole landscape.

The first method is used for bridges that are built in low-depth water.

In low-depth water, the foundation of the bridge is laid by filling the particular location for a temporary period, over which piers (a type of pillar can be built). After that, the foundation of the bridge(the pillars) is constructed inside the cofferdam

How Are Bridges Constructed?

How Are Bridges Constructed?

Bridge structure, or how bridges are built, has undergone an immense transformation since the beginning of times, such as new sturdier materials, heavy machinery, and the bridge construction step-by-step process.

Bridge construction has experienced tremendous transformation since the beginning of occasion, such as fresh sturdier materials, heavy machinery, and new building methods.

Although the construction of bridges is a lot easier in modern times, bridge engineering involves precise physics, vast resources, and thorough planning before and during construction.

Before bridges have been constructed, planners must test the site for elements such as the soil strength, depth, and layout of their land.

Using computer-aided design, engineers can find a picture of this bridge’s behavior under different weights and weather requirements and determine the correct structure.

When the planning is complete, workers break ground on the worksite, harnessing a variety of materials and assembling structures to keep support even under the flow of gravity.

While bridges need careful and precise work, the basic fundamentals of the bridges are strong are made to stand are simple once broken down.

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Factors Associated with Building Bridges:

Factors Associated with Building Bridges

Before you go into how bridges have been made, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.

The bridges over water can be of both kinds – the floating ones along with the ones that are permanent.

Quite obviously, the floating ones aren’t permanent and are used only briefly.

Hence, they don’t require a base. But permanent bridges require a foundation and therefore, there are three basic factors that will need to be considered.

  1. Condition of the site
  2. Technical ability and engineering ability of the contractor
  3. Technology is available in the country.

The first two variables are dependent on the engineers to measure.

However, the factor of the availability of technical support depends entirely on the construction equipment that’s available.

For that matter, it has to be mentioned that there are a variety of types of construction equipment readily available on the market, That are specially designed to support bridge structures.

Steps of constructing a bridge:

When pondering how is a bridge built, especially over large water bodies like a very deep river or even the sea, the following bridge construction process steps are followed.

Constructing the Foundation:

Constructing the Foundation

To understand how to construct a bridge, especially the foundation, a bed is sunk within the waterbed from the top.

It’s like a frame to the pillars that can hold the bridge in place. Following that, a service pier is made with the help of rigs.

Construction of Cofferdam:

Construction of Cofferdam

Around the support rigs and pier, a Cofferdam is created. It’s a special type of wall that’s created surrounding the foundation.

Constant pumping removes the water from the inside. The area is completely dried out, and after that, the foundation is created.

Bringing everything together:

Following the construction of the foundation, the support piers are thrown in the yard or cast in place.

Sometimes, this process is done elsewhere, and afterward, barges are used to bring everything together.

After this is done, the gaps are joined with segments of concrete construction.

Sometimes, the sections are supported by huge suspension cables. Since they’re drawn into place, they’re stitched together.

Although these are the most common methods of constructing a bridge, there are different methods as well, which can be followed to build the bridges.

Surely, the methods that can be followed for bridges from shallow water differ from those from heavy water.

Also, read: What is Plum Concrete | Application | Mix Design | Methodology

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Different Types of Planning in Bridge Construction

Different Types of Planning in Bridge Construction

The major steps, or the x, that are involved in the planning for bridge construction are:

  • Study on Need for Bridge
  •  Traffic Assessment
  • Location study
  • Detailed Project Report
  • Implementation
  • Reconnaissance Study
    • Study of alternatives
    • Feasible alternative study
  •  Preliminary Engineering
    • Developing plans
    • Preliminary design and costing
    • Evaluation of alternatives, risk analysis, and final choice

Short Note

How Are Bridges Built?

When pondering how bridges are built over water, and specifically how piers are constructed, foundations are made by sinking caissons into the riverbed and filling them with concrete. Next, the anchorages are built on both ends, usually of reinforced concrete with embedded steel eyebars to which the cables will be fastened.

Bridges Built

Mechanized bridge construction is based on the use of specialized erection equipment. Beam launchers are used to erect precast beams. Self-launching gantries and lifting frames are used to erect precast segmental bridges. Forming carriages are used for segmental casting of the concrete slab of composite bridges.

How Are Bridge Foundations Built?

When considering how do they build bridges, especially those requiring piers over a body of water, foundations are made by sinking caissons into the riverbed and filling them with concrete. Caissons are large boxes or cylinders that have been made from wood, metal, or concrete. In the case of suspension bridges, towers are built atop the caissons.

How Are Piers Built in Water?

When considering how do bridges get built, especially those requiring piers over a body of water, foundations are made by sinking caissons into the riverbed. This often leads to the question, how do they build bridges over water and what was the bridge built over. Caissons are large boxes or cylinders that have been made from wood, metal, or concrete. In the case of suspension bridges, towers are built atop the caissons.

How Are Bridges Built Over Water?

When bridges requiring piers are built over a body of water, foundations are made by sinking caissons into the riverbed and filling them with concrete. In the case of suspension bridges, towers are built atop the caissons. The first suspension-bridge towers were stone, but now they are either steel or concrete.

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