Dear friend lets know how to set up spindle motor speed control in CNC Machine,
Detail 4131 103 ep potentiometer IC use as 10k Potentiometer resistance
VDD = Positive power supply 1.8 to 5.5 Voltage
PBO = Resistance face B side (Link in VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) V1I point)
PAO = Resistance face Aside or (Link in VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) V1I point)
PWO = Resistance wiper (Link in VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) Gnd point)
VSS = Negative power supply 1.8 to 5.5 Voltage
CS = Chip Select (SPI port chip select pin used to execute a new command after it has been loaded into the shift register) this point connected in CNC Controller out point without relay
SCK = SCK is the Shared/Serial Clock. It is the SPI clock line. this point connected in CNC Controller out point without relay
How to connection CNC controller to VFD Connection
Important Point
Mach3 CNC Controller to a spindle speed control
How to Connection CNC Controller (Mach3) to 4131 photometers digital 10k IC?
Spindle Speed control hardware confirmation
Mach3 interface board connection output point Below a detail
Step 1: Connect mach3 board PWM output in 4131 ic SCK pin no 3
Step 2: Next connection 4131 ic pin no 1 connect to Mach3 interface board GND point
Step 3: let’s go and connect ic VSS pin no 4 negative 5v power supply from Mach3 Interface board
All the above point connection between the Mach3 interface to 4131 resistance IC
How to Connection 4131 (Potentiometer) digital 10k IC to VFD (Variable Frequency Drive)?
Step 4: In 4131 ic pin no 8 Postive 5v power supply from Mach3 interface board
Our VFD Drive knows much output and input. So we are sure that use the only 10 k Resistance (Potentiometer) point. A, W, B point is an out Potentiometer resistance below ming of the point
A = This fix pin in VFD attach this one end of the resistive point (A point resistive)
W=This fix pint in VFD attach this second end of the wiper point (W point Call wiper)
B= This fix pin in VFD attach this third end of the resistive point (B point resistive)
Step 5: Let’s goPBO pin no 7 in our potentiometer ic connection VFD output port B point of potentiometer
Step 6: PWO pin No 6 connection in VFD point W (Wiper) as the primary control point in speed controlling
Step 7: Now final point connection PAO pin no 5 in our potentiometer ic connection VFD output port A point of potentiometer
Dear above all step Hardware setup of Mach3 CNC controller to VFD using of 4131 potentiometers.
This is the use of automatic speed control by the CNC controller.
This method also uses VFD speed control.