Extra Rapid Hardening Cement | Advantages & Disadvantages of Extra Rapid Hardening cement | Applications, Properties & Uses of Extra Rapid Hardening cement

All about of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

Introduction to Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

Time is one of the most important factors in construction projects. Time is directly connected to the cost of the project. The use of ordinary portland cement in the construction required more time for hardening and removal of Formwork.

Whereas the Extra Rapid Hardening cement sets faster and also the formwork can be removed earlier. The construction which is done by using Ordinary Portland cement generally takes 24 hours to set and hardened completely and it requires consistent curing. The OPC cement shuttering removal time is about 14 days.

In some special cases, it is not possible to keep shuttering for 14 days. Some construction required to be completed very fast. For example, Construction of roads and underwater construction, in this case Extra Rapid Hardening cement is used which will set and hardened quickly.

In this article, we will going to learn about the Extra Rapid Hardening cement and it’s properties, Advantages and Disadvantages of Extra Rapid Hardening cement. Extra Rapid hardening cement is basically a modification of the rapid hardening cement.

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What is Extra Rapid Hardening Cement?

What is Extra Rapid Hardening Cement?

Extra Rapid hardening cement is a special type of cement which sets very quickly as compared to conventional types of cement. Extra rapid hardening cement is made by proper grinding of Rapid hardening cement with Calcium chloride.

The 3% of calcium chloride is added with Rapid hardening cement which will form Extra Rapid Hardening cement. Rapid hardening cement is also popularly known as High early strength cement. In the case of the Extra rapid hardening cement, a large quantity of heat is evolved during its placing in a very less time.

The care should be taken with the Extra Rapid hardening cement should be used within one month of its manufacturing. This type of cement should not be stored for more than one month otherwise it will lose its properties and does not give desired results.

The Extra rapid hardening cement should be Transported, placed, and compacted at the construction site within 20 minutes of its preparation. The Extra rapid hardening cement is best suitable for the construction and concreting works in cold weather.

If we use Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) for concreting in the cold weather it will lead to the freezing of concrete. The Extra Rapid Hardening cement generates higher heat of hydration due to which it does not freeze even in such an extreme cold climate.

That’s why Engineers recommend using Rapid Hardening cement for construction in the cold weather. The Extra Rapid hardening cement should be stored in a cool place and it should be stacked in a safe and stable manner.

Properties of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

Properties of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

The extra rapid hardening cement possesses various properties due to which it is used in the construction

  1. The calcium chloride is added and grinds properly in the rapid hardening cement which produces extra Rapid Hardening cement.
  2. A higher percentage of Tricalcium Silicate(C3S) is added in the extra rapid hardening cement which will help to sets quickly.
  3. The Tricalcium silicate has the property to generate higher heat of hydration which will help it to quickly set.
  4. The 3 days strength of extra rapid hardening cement is equal to the 7 days strength of OPC cement.
  5. The Setting Time of Extra Rapid Hardening cement should not be altered by using various types of admixtures.

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Uses of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

Uses of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

Extra rapid hardening cement used in various construction activities which are as follows

  1. This cement is used in the construction structures in waterlogged areas such as Bridges and dams.
  2. Extra Rapid Hardening cement is suitable for concreting in cold weather.
  3. This type of cement is best suitable for the construction of roads where the traffic is not allowed to stop for a longer period.
  4. It is used where high early strength is required in the construction.
  5. Extra rapid hardening cement is widely used where the formwork has to be removed within a short period of time.

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Advantages of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

Advantages of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

There are many advantages of extra hardening cement which are as follows.

  1. Extra Rapid Hardening cement sets quickly so it is suitable for concrete in cold weather.
  2. In the case of this type of cement, we can remove shuttering and formwork earlier as compared to OPC cement. This shuttering and formwork can be used for other work.
  3. Extra rapid hardening cement is lighter in weight compared to conventional cement.
  4. Extra Rapid hardening cement is best where early strength is required within a short period of time.
  5. Extra rapid hardening cement gives higher strength than Rapid Hardening cement.
  6. This type of cement has good sulphur resistance.
  7. The curing period of extra rapid hardening cement is less as compared to ordinary Portland cement which makes it Economical.

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Disadvantages of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

Disadvantages of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

There are also some disadvantages of using extra hardening cement which are as follows.

  1. The cost of Extra rapid hardening cement is comparatively high than other types of cement.
  2. In the extra rapid hardening cement there may be chances of developing crack due to higher heat of hydration.
  3. Extra rapid hardening cement is not suitable for the massive concreting work because it generates Higher heat of hydration as compared to other types of cement.
  4. The storage of the Extra Rapid Hardening cement is to be done with great care otherwise a little moisture will Harden the cement.
  5. Extra rapid hardening cement cannot be used after one month of its manufacturing.

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Applications of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

Applications of Extra Rapid Hardening Cement

There are various applications of extra rapid hardening cement in the Construction Industry which are as follows

  1. Extra Rapid Hardening cement is used the construction activities in waterlogged areas.
  2. Extra rapid hardening cement is widely used in the construction of roads where it is not possible to stop the traffic for a longer time, this cement will allow the foot traffic within 4 to 5 hours and vehicles within 8 to 10 hours.
  3. Extra rapid hardening cement is best suitable for the concreting work in extremely cold climate conditions which will resist the concrete from freezing.
  4. Extra Rapid Hardening cement can be used for the construction of foundations for heavy machinery and equipment in the factories because machinery required to be installed immediately.
  5. Extra rapid hardening cement has a property of early strengthening and hardening due to which it is widely used for the repair works of concrete cracks in Dams and roads.
  6. As this Cement has good sulphur resistance, it can be used to sites where there is a high chance of sulphate attacks.

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What Is Rapid Hardening Cement?

Rapid Hardening Portland Cement (RHPC) is a special purpose cement used in concrete to achieve a higher rate of early strength development, compared to using Normal Cement. The improved early performance of RHPC is achieved principally through increased product fineness.

How Do You Rapidly Harden Concrete?

In this cement, lime stone, and shale are used as raw material and heated at extremely high temperature to form clinkers. The lime and shale clinker is then mixed with small amount of gypsum and grinded very finely to form rapid hardening cement.

What Is the Difference Between Quick Setting Cement and Rapid Hardening Cement?

The difference between the quick setting cement and rapid hardening cement is that quicksetting cement sets earlier. At the same time, the rate of gain of strength is similar to Ordinary Portland Cement, while quick hardening cement gains strength quickly. Formworks in both cases can be removed earlier.

What Is Rapid Hardening Cement Made Of?

The chemistry of rapidhardening hydraulic cement, which differs from portland cement, is composed primarily of hydraulic tetracalcium trialuminate sulphate (CSA) and dicalcium silicate (C2S). C2S is the most durable compound found in portland cement.

Is Fast Setting Concrete Weaker?

Fastsetting concrete isn’t just simple and fast, it’s also durable and strong, reaching 4000 psi — or pounds of force per square inch —after a month. That’s stronger than the concrete used for foundations on most homes.

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Where Is Rapid Hardening Cement Used?

Rapid hardening cement is used in areas like road pavements so that the traffic can be opened early. It is also used in manufacturing precast slabs, posts, electric poles, concreting in cold countries.

What Does Rapid Hardening Cement Contain?

It is also called high early strength cementContains a higher proportion of tri-calcium silicate (C3S) Suitable for road repairing work and in structures where the load is applied in a short time.

What Is the Use of Rapid Hardening Portland Cement?

Rapid Hardening Portland Cement (RHPC) is a special purpose cement used in concrete to achieve a higher rate of early strength development, compared to using Normal Cement. The improved early performance of RHPC is achieved principally through increased product fineness.

What Does Rapid Hardening Cement Contain?

It is also called high early strength cementContains a higher proportion of tri-calcium silicate (C3S) Suitable for road repairing work and in structures where the load is applied in a short time.

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What Is Rapid Set Cement Made Of?

It also introduces some of the innovative opportunities this material brings, mostly centered around rapid strength gain and low shrinkage.

Is Rapid Set Concrete as Strong as Normal Concrete?

Quikrete fast setting concrete is just as strong as regular concreteConcrete gets its strength from a chemical reaction that occurs over time during curing. After it’s had time to cure, which usually take 28 days to complete, Quikrete can reach strengths up to 5000 psi.

What Are the Properties of Rapid Hardening Cement?

  • Strength.
  • Fineness.
  • Setting Time.
  • Weight.
  • Resistance.
  • Curing Time.
  • Heat of Hydration.

Fast Setting Cement for Construction

QUIKRETE® Fast-Setting Concrete Mix (No. 1004) is a special blend of fast-setting cements, sand and gravel designed to set hard in approx. 20 to 40 minutes. Sets posts without mixing.

Quick Hardening Cement for Rapid Repairs

When it comes to quick hardening cement for rapid repairs, one commonly used product is rapid-setting cement. Rapid-setting cement is designed to cure and harden quickly, allowing for fast repairs and reduced downtime. Here are a few options you can consider:

  • Quick-setting cement: This type of cement typically sets and hardens within 10 to 30 minutes. It is commonly used for small-scale repairs such as filling cracks, anchoring objects, or patching damaged concrete surfaces. Quick-setting cement is available in powder form and can be mixed with water to form a paste that is then applied to the damaged area.
  • Fast-setting concrete mix: This pre-mixed product contains a blend of cement, sand, and aggregates designed to set and harden rapidly. It is suitable for larger repairs, such as repairing concrete slabs, steps, or sidewalks. Fast-setting concrete mix is available in bags and can be mixed with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Hydraulic cement: Hydraulic cement is a type of cement that sets and hardens when it comes into contact with water. It is known for its rapid-setting properties and high strength. Hydraulic cement is often used for quick repairs of leaks in concrete structures, such as water tanks or basements. It can be applied by simply mixing it with water to form a paste and then applying it to the damaged area.

High Strength Rapid Hardening Cement

When it comes to high-strength rapid hardening cement, one popular option is known as “Portland cement Type III.” This type of cement is specifically designed to achieve high early strength and rapid hardening properties.

Accelerated Curing Cement for Time-Sensitive Projects

Accelerated curing cement is an excellent choice for time-sensitive projects where achieving high strength in a shorter timeframe is crucial. It can help reduce construction schedules and expedite project completion. Here are a few options for accelerated curing cement:

  • High-Early-Strength Cement (Type III): As mentioned earlier, Type III cement, commonly known as high-early-strength cement, is designed to develop strength rapidly. It gains significant strength within a few days, allowing for quicker removal of formwork or application of loads.
  • Calcium Aluminate Cement (CAC): Calcium aluminate cement is a fast-setting cement that can achieve high early strength. It contains calcium aluminates as the primary hydraulic component, which contributes to its rapid hardening properties. CAC can develop significant strength within 24 hours, making it suitable for time-sensitive projects.
  • Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs): Incorporating supplementary cementitious materials, such as silica fume or fly ash, into the cement mix can enhance its early strength development. These materials react with calcium hydroxide, a byproduct of cement hydration, to form additional cementitious compounds. This accelerates the overall hydration process, resulting in faster strength gain.

Fast Drying Cement for Efficient Construction

When it comes to efficient construction and quick drying times, fast-drying cement is an ideal choice. It allows for rapid construction progress by minimizing downtime and reducing project schedules. Here are a few options for fast-drying cement:

  • Rapid Hardening Cement: Rapid hardening cement, such as Type III Portland cement, is designed to achieve high early strength and faster drying times. It gains strength quickly, allowing for faster construction progress and reduced waiting times. This type of cement is commonly used in time-sensitive projects where early strength development is critical.
  • Self-Leveling Cement: Self-leveling cement is a fast-drying cementitious material that is fluid in consistency and can flow and settle into level surfaces. It is often used for quick repairs or leveling uneven concrete surfaces. Self-leveling cement typically dries rapidly, allowing for the application of floor coverings or other finishes in a shorter timeframe.
  • Quick-Drying Concrete Mixes: Some manufacturers offer quick-drying concrete mixes that are specifically formulated for fast drying times. These pre-mixed concrete products usually contain additives and accelerators that promote rapid hydration and drying. They are convenient to use and can significantly reduce construction schedules.

Rapid Hardening Cement Initial Setting Time

Initial setting time = not less than 30 mins. Within this period, solidification begins. Final setting time = not more than 600 mins. During this time, the mixture attains sufficient hardness.

Uses of Rapid Hardening Cement

Uses of Rapid hardening cement

  • It is primarily used at sites where cement with early strength is required.
  • Rapid-hardening cement is mostly used in the construction of road pavements that require the concrete to dry up quickly.
  • It is used for preparing the framework of any construction.

What Is Rapid Hardening Cement?

Rapid hardening cement is a special type of cement that achieves high strength in less time. Normally the strength achieved by conventional cements in 7 days is same as the strength achieved in 3 days. This type of cement is also called as High-Early Strength Portland Cement.

What Is Extra Rapid Hardening Cement?

Extra Rapid Hardening Cement has been manufactured by adding 3% of calcium chloride with Rapid Hardening Portland Cement.

Which of the Following Is Not an Advantage of Rapid Hardening Cement?

It hardens rapidly and it is costlier. It cannot be used for massive concrete work.

Properties of Rapid Hardening Cement

Properties of Rapid Hardening Cement

  • It gains strength faster than OPC.
  • Its final setting times is 30 mins and final setting time is 600mins which is same as OPC.
  • It emits more heat during setting, therefore this cement is unsuitable for mass concreting.

Is Rapid Set Concrete Strong?

Rapid Set cement concrete achieves structural and drive-on strength in one to two hours, and can achieve a one-day strength that meets or exceeds the 28-day strength of portland cement concrete. When using Rapid Set cement products, you will complete your projects faster and they will last longer.

Type of Cement

Different Types Of Cement

  • Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)
  • Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)
  • Rapid Hardening Cement.
  • Extra Rapid Hardening Cement.
  • Low Heat Cement.
  • Sulfates Resisting Cement.
  • Quick Setting Cement.
  • Blast Furnace Slag Cement.

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