What Is Bulkage of Sand (Fine Aggregate )

Bulkaeg of sand

What is Bulkage of Sand or Bulkage of Aggregate?

Bulkage of sand or Bulking sand: Bulkage in the sand when dry sand contact atmosphere moisture. Than incense sand volume. After contact atmosphere moisture then sand particles around create a layer.

After generating layer sand particles create force. Sand particles make force then particles move aside to each other. This prosses increase in send volume.

Causes of Bulking sand

  • Sand particles small size
  • Atmosphere moisture content

Note for Bulking sand

  • Increase the volume of sand at atmosphere moisture makes concrete lose his strength.
  • This process incense concrete workability but decrease concrete strength.

Relevant IS Code 2386 part 3

This method of test covers the field method for determining the necessary adjustment for the bulking of Send (fine aggregate). From IS Code 2386 part 3 Page: 14 Cl 4.1

General  Point Bulkage of Sand or Bulking sand

Sand brought on to a building site or other works may contain an amount of moisture which will cause it, when loosely filled into a container, to occupy a larger volume than it would occupy if dry. From IS Code 2386 part 3 Page: 14 Cl 4.2

If the sand is measured by loose volume, it is necessary in such a case to increase the measured volume of the sand, in order that the amount of sand. put into the concrete may be the amount intended for the nominal mix used ( based on dry sand ).From IS Code 2386 part 3 Page: 14 Cl 4.2

It will be necessary to increase the volume of sand by the ‘ percentage ’ bulking. The correction to be made is only a rough approximation because the system of measurement by loose volume is a rough method at the best, but a correction of the right order can easily be determined and should be applied in order to keep the concrete uniform. From IS Code 2386 part 3 Page: 14 Cl 4.2

As per IS Code 2386 part 3 Page 14 Cl 4.3 two different methods finding bulkage as below

The procedure to be adopted may be varied, but two methods are suggested in (1) and (2) Both depend on the fact that the volume of inundated sand is the same as if the sand were dry. From  IS Code 2386 part 3 Page 14 Cl 4.3.1

  • Bulkage of send test in Laboratory
  • Bulkage of send test at a site

Let’s look at detailed knowledge about Bulkage of Sand.

1. Bulkage of Send Test in Laboratory 

Apparatus Required for Bulkage of Send Test in Laboratory 

Here, the list of use apparatus required in bulakge of send test are as follows.

  • Measuring Cylinder –
  • Sample sand –

Producer of Bulkage of Send Test in Laboratory 

  1. Put a sufficient quantity of the sand loosely into a container.
  2. until it is about two-thirds full. Level off the top of the sand and pushing a steel rule vertically down through the sand at the middle to the bottom, measure the height. Suppose this is h cm.
  3. Empty the sand out of the container into another container where none of it will be lost.
  4. Half fill the first container with water.
  5. Put back about half the sand and rod it with a steel rod, about 6 mm in diameter, so that its volume is reduced to a minimum.
  6. Then add the remainder of the sand and rod it in the same way.
  7. Smooth and level the top surface of the inundated sand and measure its depth at the middle with the steel rule. Suppose this is h’ cm.
  8.  The percentage of bulking of the sand due to moisture shall be calculated from the formula

Above all point From  IS Code 2386 part 3 Page 14 Cl 4.3.2


Percentage bulking = (h/h’ – 1) x 100

Formula Is 2386 P 14 Cl 4.3.2


2. Bulkage of Send Test at a Site  

Apparatus Required

Here, the list of use apparatus required in bulakge of send test are as follows.

  • Measuring Cylinder –
  • Sample sand –


Producer of Bulkage of Send Test at a Site  

  1. In a 250-ml measuring cylinder,
  2. pour the damp sand ( consolidated by shaking) until it reaches the 200-ml mark.
  3. with water and stir the sand well.
  4. Then fill the cylinder ( The water shall be sufficient to submerge the sand completely. )
  5. It will be seen that the sand surface is now below its original level.
  6. Suppose the surface is at the mark y ml.
  7. The percentage of bulking of the sand due to moisture shall be calculated

Above all point From  IS Code 2386 part 3 Page 14 Cl 4.3.3



Percentage bulking = (200/y – 1) x 100


Bulkage of Send PPT


Reporting of Results 

Report the percentage bulking of the sand to the nearest whole number. From  IS Code 2386 part 3 Page 14 Cl 4.3.4


Bulking of Sand Limits as Per Is Code

Bulkage of Sand as Per Is Code

Bulking of sand as per IS code: IS 2386-3 if the sand contains 4% moisture, then it will increase sand volume by 25%.

Moisture Content in Sand Increase in Volume of Sand
2% 15%
3% 20%
4% 25%
5% 30%

Bulking of Sand Is Code

Bulking of sand is code: IS 2386-3 if the sand contains 4% moisture, then it will increase sand volume by 25%.

What Is Meant by Bulkage of Sand?

Bulking of fine aggregate or sand is the phenomenon of increase in sand volume due to the increase of moisture content.

Explain the Bulkage Adjustment at the Site

In simplified terms, it can be said that bulking of sand is simply the looseness of soil without compacting. Usually, water reduces the pores in sand and compacts the sand. Sand is used in concrete for reduction of segregation and fill out the pores between cement and coarse aggregates

Bulking of Sand Formula

Bulking of Sand = (200 – a)/  X 100

IS Code for Bulking of Sand

Bulking of sand is code: IS 2386-3 if the sand contains 4% moisture, then it will increase sand volume by 25%

Sand Bulkage

Sand Bulking occurs when sand comes in contact with moisture, which forms a thin layer of water around the sand particle and this thin layer of water exert an outward force on each other which cause the sand particle to move away from each other and ultimately increase the volume of sand.

Bulkage of Sand Meaning

Bulking of fine aggregate or sand is the phenomenon of increase in sand volume due to the increase of moisture content.

Is Code for Sand

IS: 2116 – permissible clay, silt and fine dust contents in sand.

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