Bond Beam Block vs. Lintel Block | What Is Bond Beam | What Is a Lintel Block | Bond Beam Detail | Advantages & Disadvantages of Bond Beam Blocks

All About Bond Beam Block vs. Lintel Block

Introduction of Bond Beam Block vs. Lintel Block:

  • Bond beam is a horizontal structural element which is generally provided above the brickwork to strengthen the wall.
  • In this article, you will get to know about the Bond beam blocks and lintel blocks.

What Is a Bond Beam?

What Is a Bond Beam?

  • The Bond beam blocks are the horizontal concrete masonry units. The bond beam imparts horizontal strength in the walls.
  • The bond beams are in case with the Steel reinforcement in grout are the concrete which helps to bind the structure together horizontally.
  • The bond beam is generally found near the top of the free-standing wall. 
  • The bond beam blocks are the best multipurpose solution used where horizontal reinforcement is required which helps to make a steady horizontal beam structure.
  • Bond beam blocks are the courses of the blocks which are constructed with the special units and specially designed to receive the horizontal reinforcement.
  • Bond beam adds mass to the masonry walls, which supports the point as well as the distributed loads.
  • This unit is generally used to integrate the horizontal range for cement with the vertical reinforcement in the masonry wall.
  • Bond beams are used in the masonry bearing walls to serve as a horizontal member along the top of the walls.
  • Bond beams can be also used below a wall so that the joist anchors can be embedded into the grout of the bond beam.

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Bond Beam Detail:

Bond Beam Detail

  • The reinforcement in the bond beam is used for the crack control, and there must be a break between the bond beams and control joints in the wall.
  • The area of the steel which is required for the construction of the bond beams are used for the crack control should be greater than the required for joint reinforcement.
  • Masonry bond beams are commonly used about the openings and at the top or the bottom of the walls.
  • Concrete Bond beams are mostly used for the locations where the wall is not braced by the floors or roof structure.
  • The dimensions which are generally used for the construction of bond beams are 16 inches in length and 6 to 8 inches in width.
  • Bond beams are positioned at a regular interval between so that it will all of the placement of more in reinforcement. Bond beams are widely used as a lintel on the doors and windows

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Purpose of Providing Bond Beam Blocks:

Purpose of Providing Bond Beam Blocks

  • The bond beam blocks are provided to combine the horizontal reinforcement with the vertical reinforcement in the reinforced masonry wall.
  • Bond beam reinforcement is used for crack managementBond beam blocks are the horizontal element which is used in a wall to add the support to the structure.
  • The location of the bond beam will depend upon the design of the building walls. Bond beams are needed everywhere where there is an opening along the wall. 
  • There are various advantages of the construction of the Bond beam, while the prefabricated lintels are commonly used at the openings.
  • The bond beams provide a flexible alternative where horizontal enforcement is required. 
  • Bond beams are the best solution where horizontal enforcement is required. Bond beams help to strengthen the wall and increase the bearing capacity to lateral support.
  • Bond beams are designed to allow both concrete as well as steel rebar to be housed in their interior so that it helps to create a strong and firm structure which helps to support structural loads.

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Advantages of Bond Beam Blocks:

The advantages of bond beam blocks are as follows

  • Bond beam blocks provide support and anchors for floor joists.
  • Bond beam blocks are also used for the additional support in the walls at the base and the floor level.
  • The bond beam is also used as Lintel on the doors and windows.
  • Bond beam blocks are useful in areas with high seismic activities.

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Disadvantages of Bond Beam Blocks:

There are also some disadvantages of bond Beam blocks, which are as follows

  • The Construction of the bond beam required skilled labour.  
  • The cost of the construction of the bond beam is expensive.
  • Sometimes there may be a chance of bonding problems of the bond beams with the masonry.

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What Is a Lintel Block?

What Is a Lintel Block?

  • Lintel block is a structural horizontal block which is provided on the opening between the two vertical supports.
  • Nowadays the lintels are used as prestressed concrete which is commonly known as the lintel blocks.
  • The concrete lintel blocks are the components which are packed together to form a suspended floor concrete slab.
  • Lintel blocks are the U-shaped concrete blocks horizontal masonry blocks which are generally placed above the openings. Lintel blocks are arranged in such a manner that the lintel beam can be formed.
  • Lintel block is not recommended to construct the bond beams because they do not allow the combination of the vertical and horizontal reinforcement.
  • The lintel block supports the wall portion, which is above the opening between the two supports, and it’s shaped space allows for the cement grout as well as horizontal reinforcement.
  • The concrete lintel block performs the same function as the bond beam block, and it is the main structural component of the building.
  • Lintel blocks are combined to create the lintel beam which supports the structure by transferring the load from above the beam to the walls.
  • The lintel blocks cannot be used with the vertical reinforcement they should only use for the walls which do not need any kind of structural supports.
  • Lintel blocks are constructed with the help of different types of materials. The concrete lintel block is one of the commonly used materials for the construction of Lintel blocks. Concrete lintel blocks have high strength, durability, and resistance to fire.
  • The common uses of the lintel blocks are above the doors and windows and fireplaces which create a load-bearing element to transfer the load. 
  • Sometimes the concrete lintel blocks are also used as a part of the continuous Bond beam along the wall.

Also, Read: What Is Lintel Beam | Lintel Beam Size | Types of Lintel Beam

Difference Between Bond Beam Block And Lintel Block

Difference Between Bond Beam Block And Lintel Block


Bond Beam blocks

Lintel blocks


The Bond beam blocks are the horizontal concrete masonry units. Lintel block is a structural horizontal block which is provided on the opening between the two vertical supports.


Bond beam blocks are useful in areas with high seismic activities. The lintel blocks are commonly used above the doors and windows and fireplaces.


Bond beam blocks are generally placed in courses in masonry walls to construct a bond beam. Lintel blocks are arranged in the courses to form the Lintel beam.


Bond beam adds mass to the masonry walls which supports the point as well as the distributed loads. The lintel blocks cannot be used with the vertical reinforcement they should only use for the walls which do not need any kind of structural supports.

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Short Note

What Is a Bond Beam?

A bond beam is a horizontal structural element, usually found as an embedded part of a masonry wall assembly. The bond beam serves to impart horizontal strength to a wall where it may not otherwise be braced by floor or roof structure.

Bond Beam Detail

bond beam is a horizontally reinforced element in a masonry wall that provides resistance to shear loads and also helps distribute lateral loads throughout the wall section. Reinforcement is placed in special bondbeam units that have reduced-height cross webs and grouted solid.

Masonry Bond Beams.

Bond in masonry, systematic arrangement of bricks or other building units composing a wall or structure in such a way as to ensure its stability and strength. The various types of bond beams may also have a secondary, decorative function. Masonry Bond Beams laid in a running bond, with alternating courses of overlapping stretchers.

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U Shaped Concrete Block.

 In this instance, the block is shaped like a U, with a notch taken out on the side or bottom. The key function of this notch is to allow for the placement of both vertical and horizontal reinforcements. The height of the cross-web is essentially reduced, providing access to the beam.

What Is a Lintel Block?

lintel is a structural horizontal block that spans the space or opening between two vertical supports. It can be a decorative architectural element or a combined ornamented structural item. It is often found over portals, doors, windows, and fireplaces.

Bond Beam Block vs. Lintel Block

Bond beam blocks are typically used in the course of a wall, while lintels go over an opening, like a door or a window. Bond beam blocks also offer a sometimes-critical benefit of both vertical and horizontal reinforcement.

Where Are Bond Beams Required?

A reinforced bond beam shall be provided in masonry walls at the top of the wall and at each floor level of each exterior wall. Masonry walls not extending to the roof line shall have a bond beam at the top of the wall. Exceptions: A bond beam is not required at the floor level for slab-on-ground floors.

Bond Beam Cmu Block

A bond beam CMU block is a type of concrete masonry unit (CMU) that is designed with a horizontal void running through the center of the block. This void is filled with concrete or grout to create a continuous bond beam that runs along the top of a wall.

Bond Beam Lintel Span Table

A bond beam lintel span table provides guidelines for determining the maximum span of a bond beam lintel based on the dimensions and load requirements of the masonry wall it will be supporting. The span table takes into account factors such as the compressive strength of the masonry units, the thickness of the bond beam, and the load capacity of the reinforcing steel.

Cmu Bond Beam

A bond beam in a concrete masonry unit (CMU) wall is a reinforced horizontal element that runs along the top of the wall. The bond beam is typically created by using specially designed CMU blocks that have a void in the center, which is filled with concrete or grout to provide added strength and stability to the wall.

Block Lintel

A block lintel is a type of structural element used in masonry construction to support the load of the wall above an opening such as a window or a door. It consists of a horizontal beam made from concrete, steel, or other materials, which spans the opening and rests on the vertical masonry units on either side.

Bond Beam Cmu

A bond beam in a concrete masonry unit (CMU) wall is a reinforced horizontal element that runs along the top of the wall. A bond beam CMU is a type of CMU block that is designed to be used as a bond beam in a masonry wall. The block has a special design that includes a horizontal void in the center, which is filled with concrete or grout to create a continuous bond beam that runs along the top of the wall.

Bond Beam Vs Tie Beam

A bond beam and a tie beam are both structural elements used in construction, but they serve different purposes and are located in different parts of a building.

A bond beam is a horizontal structural element that runs along the top of a masonry wall. It is created by using specially designed CMU blocks that have a void in the center, which is filled with concrete or grout. The bond beam provides added strength and stability to the wall, distributing loads evenly and helping to resist seismic activity. Bond beams are typically used in reinforced masonry walls and are also used to create architectural features such as cornices and parapets.

Bond Beam Vs Lintel

Bond beam blocks are typically used in the course of a wall, while lintels go over an opening, like a door or a window. Bond beam blocks also offer a sometimes-critical benefit of both vertical and horizontal reinforcement.

Bond Beam Concrete Block

A bond beam concrete block is a type of concrete masonry unit (CMU) that is designed with a horizontal void running through the center of the block. This void is filled with concrete or grout to create a continuous bond beam that runs along the top of a wall.

Cmu Lintel Block

A CMU lintel block is a type of concrete masonry unit (CMU) that is designed to be used as a lintel over an opening such as a window or a door in a masonry wall. It is a horizontal structural element that spans the opening and provides support to the masonry units above it.

Bond Beam Blockwork

Bond beam blockwork is a construction technique that involves using specially designed concrete masonry units (CMU) to create a horizontal element along the top of a masonry wall. The bond beam blockwork technique involves using CMU blocks that have a horizontal void running through the center of the block, which is then filled with concrete or grout to create a continuous bond beam.

Concrete Block Lintel

A concrete block lintel is a type of lintel used in masonry construction to support the load of the wall above an opening such as a window or a door. It is a horizontal structural element made of concrete that spans the opening and rests on the vertical masonry units on either side.

Cmu Bond Beam Detail

A CMU bond beam detail is a construction drawing or specification that provides specific information about the design and installation of a bond beam in a concrete masonry unit (CMU) wall. The detail typically includes information such as the size and spacing of reinforcing bars, the type and strength of concrete or grout to be used, and the placement and anchorage of the bond beam.

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